33日間のチャレンジはどうですか? How's the 33 Day Challenge Going?







1. 祈って、聖霊様の導きを求めてください。
2. 詩篇33を1節ずつ読んで、感謝・感動・願望を表してください。
3. 今までの真実のチャレンジの質問について話し合ってください。難しかったこと。よかったことなど。
4. 「霊に聞く」ビデオを見て、一緒にやってください。
5. 個人的なニーズを分かち合って、祈りあってください。



• 33 doesn't have to be 33 minutes! Work up to it.
• Better to do a little every day - than try too much and only hit once every 2-3 days.
Consistency is important - we want to create DAILY habits - but don't go hard on yourself. If you're behind - no problem. Just keep persevering.
The idea is also you use TRAVEL TIME - car, walking, bicycle, train - to focus on the content.
• Really helps to do with a friend!
• Until now has been OBEY HEAVEN and SERVE PEOPLE - and from now - part 11 - serve people still for a few days.
• And finally - we're planning a weekend away November 29 to Dec 1st, near Yokohama or Mt Fuji in Japan.

We're going to add an extra video about LISTENING TO YOUR SPIRIT that Koji and I made - We recommend you use this when you get together with your warrior brother.
We'll also add some ideas about what to do when you get together with your brother.
Even if you can get 30 - 60 together - even ONLINE - It would be worth it.
Briefly -
1. Pray - invite the Holy Spirit
2. Read Psalm 33 and spend some time just thanking, worshipping and asking God things from the Psalm
3. Do some reports on the questions and content until now. Ask each other - what's been hard? What's been difficult? Send us some feedback if you have some good ideas or insight!
4. Check out the LISTENING TO YOUR SPIRIT video - and do the exercise together.
5. Share needs, and pray for one another