Hey guys!
It's been a few weeks since the 33 Day Challenge finished. Perhaps some of you are still going through it?
Thanks for taking part.
Marty and I recorded this round up and reflection on the challenge today. Please take a look.
A few things:
• Please send us your feedback by email or message
• Consider inviting someone new and doing it again
• If this sort of ministry is something you'd like to invest time in, please get in touch. We're looking to making a splash on the web, even as we connect face-to-face. Let's start a movement!
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“As the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sent me!” John 20:21
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am an Ambassador.”
Consider this truth: The whole purpose that Jesus came was not just to cleanse us of sin and get us to heaven, but to release Heaven in and through us by the Holy Spirit whom He gave us. How is this divine high calling reflected in your life and future plans?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Practically speaking, why don’t you pray right now and invite another brother to do the challenge with you?
In the longer term, consider Acts 1:4-9 and where are you called.
Both in the short-term of this week, this month, this year, and the long-term: Is God calling you to go to another nation at the ends of the earth?
Be willing, pray, and begin to investigate how it can happen.
Where from now?
Thanks for taking part in the 33 Minute Warrior - 33 Day Challenge. We would love to hear some feedback from you. Feel free to contact us below with your thoughts and ideas, or any questions you might have.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Knowing where I come from, knowing where I’m going, I can go low, I can serve.” John 13:3
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a Servant.”
Consider this truth: Jesus said “the greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11) In a world where everyone is vying for position and validation, Jesus cuts against the grain. Samurai actually means ‘servant’; and in a Kingdom sense, the higher the position in authority, the more servant-hearted we need to be. Does your life characterise the heart of a servant?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Find someone to serve today
Ask the Master for some creative ways to serve those around you today; someone you know, or perhaps a stranger!
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“The Lord is not ashamed to call us brothers.” Hebrews 2:11
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a Brother.”
Consider this truth: Jesus was the firstborn among many ‘brothers’ (Romans 8:29); this is no small thing. His intention from before the world began was to descend to the lower earthly regions so that He could be joined to our humanity, then raise us up to dwell and reign together with Him in brotherhood, for eternity.
In light of this, do I value the brotherhood of believers enough?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Find a brother & be a brother
If you’ve experienced greater depths of brotherhood during your 33 Day Challenge, don’t let the momentum fade; here are some ideas:
Keep communicating and meeting regularly with your warrior brother. Settle on a rhythm that suits both your schedule.
Begin the challenge again with a new brother.
Keep the accountability group going that you started on day 16 of the challenge. If need be, refocus, split up and multiply.
Keep sharing the need for men’s discipleship, wholeness, healing with new men; fan the flames and start a movement!
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Don’t be weary, don't give up. Keep doing good. The harvest will come.” Galatians 6:9
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a Worshipping Warrior.”
Consider this truth: I will only be as strong in the fight as I am intimate with my Master in worship. There is no separating these two things. David could swing a sword with the best of them, and at the same time say “My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God!” (Psalm 84) How are you nurturing and growing your passion for Him?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Clear your head & get lost in wonder & praise
What does it take for you to “get away”; to really put yourself in a place physically without distractions, to fully focus on the Master, and worship Him?
It’s what your spirit is made for, and is longing for! Schedule it and make it happen.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“I’ll keep myself in the love of God.” Jude 21
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a son.”
Consider this truth: when God placed me in Christ, He chose to no longer see my old nature, but only my new Christ-nature. The Father spoke over the Jesus “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” (Matt 3:17), and He now speaks those same words over me!
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Create your own Identity Statement
Pray and ask the Master for words that reflect your identity and value in Him. Craft them into a statement with a RHYTHM;
Memorise and speak them out regularly as you go about your day.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Jesus, the Son of God came to destroy satan’s works.” 1 John 3:8
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“How are you involved in this spiritual fight (casting out demons) to see people set free?”
“Are you willing to get training, to learn, so you can get experience and grow in this area?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
If fasting is new to you, begin with just one meal, and extend as you feel God leading you. Get advice for attempting different types of fasts, especially extended ones.
Over half of the works that Jesus did were casting out demons. Like healing, we often think of this as something for special people or special ministries.
But Jesus said matter-of-factly in Mark 16: “In my name, you WILL cast out demons.”
If this stirs your heart, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you, get training and teaching and step out in faith and obedience.
Arrange to meet for 30 to 60 minutes sometime during the week with your warrior brother to share how things have been; share and ask questions about the daily and weekly content, and pray for one another.
Similarly, consider preparing your testimony using a simple BEFORE, ENCOUNTER, NOW pattern; what you were like before you met Christ, how you met Him, and what you are like now. Search online for more advice on how to share your testimony sincerely and convincingly within two minutes.
Additional scriptures:
“Preach the word - be prepared in and out of season.” 2 Timothy 4:2
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“He who believes in me will do what I've been doing. Greater things you'll do, you'll do in my name.” John 14:12
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“Have you ever seen people healed in Jesus’ name?”
“Did you know that it's part of your calling as follower of Christ - to heal the sick, and cast out demons?”
“Are you seeing, or expecting to see, or at least wanting to see those greater works?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Heal someone
Interestingly, Jesus did not say ‘pray for healing’ but rather just simply ‘heal the sick’. What is the difference? Primarily it’s about understanding the authority we walk in as followers of Christ.
If this is an area that you are not already wanting to grow in, consider doing the following:
Do a study of the scriptures, particularly the gospels, concerning physical healing. Get God’s perspective on the matter.
Listen to or read up on testimonies of healings.
Ask God to lead you to someone who needs healing.
Ask God how to pray for them.
Step out to pray! Keep it simple and natural.
Get further training; keep asking God to teach you in this area. Keep your heart free from debates regarding physical healing that we often see. Stay grounded in the word, led by the Spirit and connected in community with your Warrior Brothers.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“The weapons we fight with, are not the weapons of the world.” 2nd Corinthians 10:4
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“As a warrior, do you have your weapons sharpened and ready for any situation?”
“Do you know what your weapons are? Do you know how to use them?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Dancing is a powerful act of worship that helps us take control over our minds and souls through letting our spirit lead us and responding physically. It often starts as just a raw choice; David danced before the whole nation in worship to the Lord. (2 Samuel 6:14-22)
Apart from spiritual benefits, dancing is also a great aerobic exercise!
Find a secluded place where you know no-one else will see you.
Put on some up-beat worship music that you like.
Begin with walking while clapping or moving your arms as you respond physically in worship.
Your dance might not rank on a human scale, but believe me, the Lord delights over you as you worship Him with dance! (Zephaniah 3:17)
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Greater is the one living in you than the enemy living in the world.” 1 John 4:4
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“Do you give the devil too much attention, or not enough?”
“Are you aware of the spiritual battle that is going on around you?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
This has to be one of the more difficult physical challenges for me personally! I’d much prefer activity to quietly waiting in silence. But there is something powerful in silently waiting in His presence. Here are some hints:
If you battle sleepiness, consider going outside, to nature for times of silence.
Look, listen, smell, feel - engage your senses as you wait in His presence.
Use breathing and visualisation to help.
Here are some relevant Bible verses: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Ps 46:10 “My soul waits in silence for God only.” Psalm 62:1
Towards the end or shortly after the 33 Day Challenge, we recommend holding a Warrior Training Weekend with a small group of men. We believe that this time away can be a breakthrough for many men - and set them on a powerful journey of growth.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“Do you control your money - or does it control you?”
“Do you trust your pay-check, insurance, or your mother more than the MASTER?”
“Do you base your decisions on how much you have in the bank?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Give money (or possessions)
This is possibly the most difficult challenge for many men; to trust God completely with our finances. And the antidote for fear in this area or the love of money/possessions is surrendering completely and giving generously!
Ask God for what amount or what things (possessions etc.) to give.
Ask Him who to give to.
Ask Him how to give. (Anonymously etc.)
Just do it! And keep doing it every time you receive income.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Be careful how you live. Make the most of every chance because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“On a scale of 1-10, how well do you manage your time?”
“Are you constantly regretting how you waste time?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Make a Schedule
If this is an area of challenge for you, get help. Time is a gift. Making the most of every opportunity does not mean you’re constantly busy working, but that you are in charge of your schedule and not just swept along by circumstances.
Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you into balance in this area; invite Him into every part of your life and visualise Him walking with you as you go about your day.
Arrange to meet for 30 to 60 minutes sometime during the week with your warrior brother to share how things have been; share and ask questions about the daily and weekly content, and pray for one another.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Love is patient, love is kind, it's not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-5
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
“How are you when you drive? Or when you play sports?”
“Do you become a different person?”
“Are you easily offended?”
“Are you known among friends and family as short tempered, or are you un-offendable?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Aerobic/Cardio Exercise
Aerobic exercise is any type of activity that increases your breathing and heart rate and benefits your heart and lungs. It can include brisk walking, swimming, running, dancing or cycling. If you don’t already do aerobic exercise, consider what you can do to add it to your regular schedule.
If you find these activities boring, consider basketball, soccer, hiking etc.
Start in a warmer season to allow your body to get used to it.
Have a normal warm shower first, do your usual washing, then turn down the temperature gradually over the first week or so, until completely cold.
Eventually, the goal should be completely cold for the last 1-2 minutes of your regular shower, and only cold for the summer months.
Set your own goals and stick to them.
Additional Bible Verses:
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.” Matt 6:22-23
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Rom 12:2
“If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away.” Matt 5:29
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Learn to control, control your own body. Avoid all immorality.” 1 Thessalonians 4:4
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“Do you really understand the MASTER’S heart towards sex and sexuality, or just want a list of dos and don'ts to live by?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Proactively read and study about relationships
Make an active search for blogs, books or teaching on the relationships that you are involved in; singleness, pre-marriage, marriage, divorce recovery, child-raising etc.
Of course, carefully discern and weigh the message they bring but actively learn from others who have gone before.
For young men hoping to be married one day, actively ask friends who have the type of relationship you want in the future for keys on how to prepare yourself for that.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.” Ephesians 5:21
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly these questions:
To Married men: “Have you ever told your wife that she needs to submit to you because you're the husband? How does the mandate for a husband to die for his wife, like Christ died for the church, measure up to that?”
To Single Men: “If you want to marry in the future - how are you preparing for that?”
To All Men: “Does the way you treat others reflect Jesus’ words to become servant of all - and die for others?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Day of Solitude
Take a day (or half a day) for time with the Master, at home, hiking or doing something you enjoy.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. be strong. Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
The Truth Challenge
Consider honestly this question:
“Are you overly reliant on leaders or mentors? Do you have their role in your life in balance? Imagine if all leaders in your life were removed - would you still grow in faith?”
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email,text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
There are countless benefits to journalling - from organising your thoughts, to being creative and writing poetry or songs. There are also many articles and books about the process. This is one such article:
• 33 doesn't have to be 33 minutes! Work up to it.
• Better to do a little every day - than try too much and only hit once every 2-3 days.
Consistency is important - we want to create DAILY habits - but don't go hard on yourself. If you're behind - no problem. Just keep persevering.
The idea is also you use TRAVEL TIME - car, walking, bicycle, train - to focus on the content.
• Really helps to do with a friend!
• Until now has been OBEY HEAVEN and SERVE PEOPLE - and from now - part 11 - serve people still for a few days.
• And finally - we're planning a weekend away November 29 to Dec 1st, near Yokohama or Mt Fuji in Japan.
We're going to add an extra video about LISTENING TO YOUR SPIRIT that Koji and I made - We recommend you use this when you get together with your warrior brother.
We'll also add some ideas about what to do when you get together with your brother.
Even if you can get 30 - 60 together - even ONLINE - It would be worth it.
Briefly -
1. Pray - invite the Holy Spirit
2. Read Psalm 33 and spend some time just thanking, worshipping and asking God things from the Psalm
3. Do some reports on the questions and content until now. Ask each other - what's been hard? What's been difficult? Send us some feedback if you have some good ideas or insight!
4. Check out the LISTENING TO YOUR SPIRIT video - and do the exercise together.
5. Share needs, and pray for one another