Hey guys!
It's been a few weeks since the 33 Day Challenge finished. Perhaps some of you are still going through it?
Thanks for taking part.
Marty and I recorded this round up and reflection on the challenge today. Please take a look.
A few things:
• Please send us your feedback by email or message
• Consider inviting someone new and doing it again
• If this sort of ministry is something you'd like to invest time in, please get in touch. We're looking to making a splash on the web, even as we connect face-to-face. Let's start a movement!
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“As the Father sent Jesus, Jesus sent me!” John 20:21
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am an Ambassador.”
Consider this truth: The whole purpose that Jesus came was not just to cleanse us of sin and get us to heaven, but to release Heaven in and through us by the Holy Spirit whom He gave us. How is this divine high calling reflected in your life and future plans?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Practically speaking, why don’t you pray right now and invite another brother to do the challenge with you?
In the longer term, consider Acts 1:4-9 and where are you called.
Both in the short-term of this week, this month, this year, and the long-term: Is God calling you to go to another nation at the ends of the earth?
Be willing, pray, and begin to investigate how it can happen.
Where from now?
Thanks for taking part in the 33 Minute Warrior - 33 Day Challenge. We would love to hear some feedback from you. Feel free to contact us below with your thoughts and ideas, or any questions you might have.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Knowing where I come from, knowing where I’m going, I can go low, I can serve.” John 13:3
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a Servant.”
Consider this truth: Jesus said “the greatest among you shall be your servant.” (Matthew 23:11) In a world where everyone is vying for position and validation, Jesus cuts against the grain. Samurai actually means ‘servant’; and in a Kingdom sense, the higher the position in authority, the more servant-hearted we need to be. Does your life characterise the heart of a servant?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Find someone to serve today
Ask the Master for some creative ways to serve those around you today; someone you know, or perhaps a stranger!
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“The Lord is not ashamed to call us brothers.” Hebrews 2:11
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a Brother.”
Consider this truth: Jesus was the firstborn among many ‘brothers’ (Romans 8:29); this is no small thing. His intention from before the world began was to descend to the lower earthly regions so that He could be joined to our humanity, then raise us up to dwell and reign together with Him in brotherhood, for eternity.
In light of this, do I value the brotherhood of believers enough?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Find a brother & be a brother
If you’ve experienced greater depths of brotherhood during your 33 Day Challenge, don’t let the momentum fade; here are some ideas:
Keep communicating and meeting regularly with your warrior brother. Settle on a rhythm that suits both your schedule.
Begin the challenge again with a new brother.
Keep the accountability group going that you started on day 16 of the challenge. If need be, refocus, split up and multiply.
Keep sharing the need for men’s discipleship, wholeness, healing with new men; fan the flames and start a movement!
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“Don’t be weary, don't give up. Keep doing good. The harvest will come.” Galatians 6:9
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a Worshipping Warrior.”
Consider this truth: I will only be as strong in the fight as I am intimate with my Master in worship. There is no separating these two things. David could swing a sword with the best of them, and at the same time say “My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God!” (Psalm 84) How are you nurturing and growing your passion for Him?
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Clear your head & get lost in wonder & praise
What does it take for you to “get away”; to really put yourself in a place physically without distractions, to fully focus on the Master, and worship Him?
It’s what your spirit is made for, and is longing for! Schedule it and make it happen.
Set this word to a rhythm and declare it out loud for at least 5 minutes and whenever you’re out walking or driving today.
“I’ll keep myself in the love of God.” Jude 21
The Truth Challenge
IDENTITY: “I am a son.”
Consider this truth: when God placed me in Christ, He chose to no longer see my old nature, but only my new Christ-nature. The Father spoke over the Jesus “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” (Matt 3:17), and He now speaks those same words over me!
The Response Challenge
Take some notes and share them with your warrior brother (by telephone, email, text etc.).
The Physical Challenge
Create your own Identity Statement
Pray and ask the Master for words that reflect your identity and value in Him. Craft them into a statement with a RHYTHM;
Memorise and speak them out regularly as you go about your day.